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Image Description

A dystopian image on a paper - The focal point of the image is a pink square-headed figure wearing a crown floating over its head. It has a black triangle body with an R on the chest and is standing in a setting that is on fire, with purple fields in the background and large mushroom trees - the tree on the left has a blue mushroom top, while the tree of the right has a green mushroom top 

Image Description

The focal point of the image is a pink square-headed figure wearing a crown floating over its head. It has a green triangle body with an R on the chest and is standing on a path with two large flowers - the flower on the left has a green stem and purple flower, the flower on the right has a green stem and green flower. Both flower stems lead to a visible root system below, eventually finding the purple ground at the bottom of the image. In the background, there is beige and pointed mountains with a fire ablaze behind them, creating a smokey red sky. 

Image Description

The focal point of the image is a pink square-headed figure wearing a crown floating over its head. It has a green triangle body with an R on the chest and is sitting on the top of a beige mountain. The sky above is a beige background with small purple circles. The bottom of the mountain is covered by a thick layer of purple lines and a grey block with green images in the centre. Below this is a reflection of the above image, likely a body of water. 

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